The iPhone 6 rumors continue to fly as the latest release date set in October 2014. Apple is reported to launch both its smartwatch, iWatch and iPhone 6 by then. While Samsung launched its version of a smartwatch, Galaxy Gear in September of 2012, Apple is reportedly taking its time and working hard, trying to solve the iWatch's battery life before the company finally launches it.
A new patent was also mentioned at the iPhone 5S launch but can only be expected for the iPhone 6. This is the fingerprint sensor with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology that assists in functions such as data transfers, wireless payment, media playback and more. Apple may also use sonar to replace infrared sensors in the iPhone 6. This technology will help detect where the phone is by giving an alert about an incoming object or detecting if it is held to an ear suggesting use.Apple wants to extend the battery life of iWatch from 4 to 5 days, making it three days longer than the battery life of the Galaxy Gear. Other iPhone 6 rumors include the possibility of a facial recognition technology and a curved screen, with some saying the release date will be in June 2014. While there are also speculations of a phablet-like iPhone, MacRumors noted Apple might offer a 4.8-inch Retina + IGZO screen by Sharp.
One of Apple's latest patents also indicated the iPhone 6 might have a wraparound AMOLED screen like the fourth gen iPod Nano. The patent appears to have an unrolled or unfolded screen with gesture control, layered screens for a 3D display and facial recognition. The wraparound doesn't seem hands-on as the sides would be a touchscreen that makes it impossible for the user to hold the device without pressing the side buttons.
The exciting new smart bezel is also included in the patent with reports saying it would hold flashing buttons and symbols to integrate on-screen action.
According to the patent, this involves a primary display that shows visual content and a secondary display that would work as a guide for the user to give inputs to. Eye tracking, enhanced storage of 128 GB, advanced Bluetooth, sapphire crystal and wireless technology are some other expected features in the Apple iPhone 6 or iPhone Air.
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