Friday, November 15, 2013

iPhone 6 'to be curved and launch next year'

APPLE'S next smartphone will have a larger, curved screen, following in the footsteps of Samsung and LG, an unnamed insider source has told Bloomberg.
The report suggests that two new iPhone models, planned for release next year, will have 4.7 and 5.5-inch glass displays - larger than the current model. The screens will curve down at the edges, the report suggested.
Apple has declined to comment on the report.
Samsung released its Galaxy Round, which has a curved screen, soon after Apple unveiled its newest iPhone models, the 5S and 5C. A few weeks later, LG also unveiled a curved handset, the G Flex.
Curved screens are said to be more durable, more comfortable to use, and better suited to watching videos and playing games, according to Sky News. They also help to reduce screen glare in bright conditions.
However, the technology is not without its doubters. "There's no proven market for a smartphone with a curved screen," reports ZDNet. "Both companies that have released a smartphone with a curved display have limited availability to South Korea."
The website adds that if Apple were to make a curved-screen handset it "would be gambling its iPhone cash cow on a fad."
Bloomberg's source said the phones were still being developed and would probably go on sale in the third quarter of 2014. 
The report also suggested that future models would react differently to heavy or light touches. This pressure-sensitive technology, being developed with a supplier, is not likely to be ready for the next iPhone release, however.

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